Cloud-based Telephony with Surgery Connect by X-on Health
Join Dr Gandalf for a cloud telephony update with Surgery Connect by X-on.
Dr Gandalf hosts Paul Bensley, Managing Director, Derrick Measham, X-on Head of Development, and James Delves, Training Team Leader at X-on, with Jang Bakhat, Business Manager Peel Hall Medical Practice, as they discuss the transition to cloud telephony in general practice.

Innovation Exchange webinar: Modernising Primary Care Telephony
The Leaders Council of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is currently in the process of talking to leadership figures from across the nation in an attempt to understand this universal trait and what it means in Britain and Northern Ireland today.
The webinar showcased telephony innovations, highlighting the potential for modern telephony to improve communication in primary care across London. Paul Bensley, Managing Director, presented and answered questions on behalf of X-on.

HTN Now: Digital Cloud Communications
Paul Bensley, Managing Director X-on Health, Steven Braithwaite, Surgery Connect Product Manager, and Derrick Measham, Head of Development, discuss the impact of Digital Cloud Communications in general practice given the recent NHSE announcement, including the priority of migrating practices off legacy phone systems over the coming year.
The video covers:
- The benefits to patients, reception staff and clinicians of integrated cloud telephony
- Specific focus on Desktop Tools for GPs including new appointment list management
- How a blueprint for Cloud Communications can be used to serve PCNs now and in the future

How to support GP surgeries with call demand at HTN Digital Primary Care 2021
Paul Bensley, Managing Director X-on, and Steven Braithwaite, Surgery Connect Product Manager, discuss how Surgery Connect has addressed increased patient access demand during COVID-19

X-on for General Practice
Webinar from eGPlearning discussing developments in cloud telephony.
Dr Gandalf hosts Paul Bensley, Managing Director X-on, Steven Braithwaite, Surgery Connect Product Manager and Derrick Measham, X-on Head of Development, as they demonstrate the latest updates in GP practice telephony.
EMIS Health Live 2020: The Total Triage Model
Webinar from EMIS Health Live discussing ‘The New Normal’.
Dr Sarah Jarvis, GP & Patient Clinical Director, Paul Bensley, Managing Director X-on, Dr Farzana Hussain, GP The Project Surgery, Dr Edward Clode-Baker, GP & EMIS Health Clinical Director and Tim East, Product Manager EMIS Health discuss the evolving patient triage model during the COVID-19 crisis.

The Leaders Council Podcast: In Conversation
We look at the latest developments in the UK’s healthtech space as the COVID-19 pandemic shows no signs of stopping.
Tom Russell, Programme Manager for Health and Social Care at techUK, sits down (virtually!) with Nicola Haywood-Alexander, former Chief Information Officer of Portsmouth Hospitals NHS Trust, Paul Bensley, CEO of X-on Health , and Garry McCord, Chief Strategy Officer at Servelec, to talk about a new initiative aiming to get the right healthtech to the right place, as well as the efforts of techUK members to support health and care professionals, organisations and citizens during this crisis.

The Leaders Council Podcast: In Conversation
The Leaders Council of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is currently in the process of talking to leadership figures from across the nation in an attempt to understand this universal trait and what it means in Britain and Northern Ireland today.
Paul Bensley from X-on Health was invited onto an episode of the podcast, which also included an interview with Geoff Hurst. Host Matthew O’Neill asked both guests a series of questions about leadership and the role it has played in their careers to date.