Porting Your Phone Number
Number porting is a change in the communications provider, or current network operator, for the inbound routing of a telephone number. The number to be ported is prefixed by the range holder, or host network operator for the range holder, with a number porting prefix for the new network operator. After porting, calls are routed directly to the new network operator via the interconnects agreed under the service establishment between the new network operator and the host network or range holder. Consequently, number porting does not change the range holder of a number as allocated by Ofcom.
X-on utilise the BT IPEX for number porting, given BT IPEX offers the widest service establishment with range holders and host networks, thereby providing X-on the best opportunity of completing a porting request. BT will attempt to complete a service establishment, and sign a number porting agreement, where one doesn’t already exist with a host network or range holder.
Once a porting agreement is signed, service establishment requires a minimum of 55 working days for geographic numbers, dependent on any process difficulties.
Porting documentation must accurately reflect existing details for the number being ported to another provider. Contacting the current provider for current details, while advising of the porting intention is recommended, in order to facilitate the smoothest possible transition.
For a number to be ported to the X-on Network, the original range holder will change the prefix on the number, routing it to BT IPEX where it is patched into their core routing engine, thereby routing all calls to that number on to the X-on Network.
Porting a number usually ceases the original phone line, with all associated services, such as voicemail, also terminated.
Porting To X-on
The following information is required for any number being ported to X-on:
- Number ownership proof such as a copy of the latest invoice from the current provider.
- Geographic Number Porting Letter of Authority signed by the subscriber.
- Completed porting documents providing number details.
- Range holder Communications Unique Provider ID (CUPID – located on telecom-tariffs.co.uk, and checked against the Ofcom S1 allocation form).
- Losing Communications Provider CUPID (may be range holder, or current provider).
X-on levy an administration charge in line with other communication providers and within Ofcom guidance.
Porting Away From X-on
The porting process is always led by the new provider, so you would implement the import process of the new provider. X-on would validate the data submitted to us during the process. This process is standard across the industry. A Customer Letter of Authority is required detailing the new provider, and this is checked before the porting away process begins. This should be supplied to X-on as soon as possible in order to mitigate against porting time-out where the timescale is short.
Numbers ported to X-on can usually also be ported away, either entirely or split, unless a range of numbers was ported, in which case the entire range must be ported away to retain any individual number.
Where X-on are the range holder of ported Geographic numbers built on IPEX, there may some issues in porting away:
- Number ranges built on and exported away from BT IPEX, cannot return to IPEX. This includes any other IPEX Communications Provider.
- Number ranges built on IPEX can presently only be prefixed away from IPEX once, so the porting prefix cannot be updated for subsequent ports to other network operators, making the export of the X-on number permanent.
Where X-on are the range holder of ported Non-Geographic number ranges (beginning 03, 05, 08 or 09) built on IPEX, the numbers cannot be exported.
The issues involving Geographic and Non-Geographic numbers built on IPEX are under review and will hopefully be resolved soon.
Only numbers in service can be ported.
Number portability only exists for end-users wishing to change provider. Reseller or Wholesale porting of numbers in or out of X-on is not supported.
X-on levy an administration charge in line with other communication providers and within Ofcom guidance.
Possible Delays
Possible obstructions to number porting:
- Ensure you cancel BT Redcare, or transfer the service to another circuit number before porting.
- Ensure the details included on the porting documentation match those on file with your current provider – address, postcode, main billing number, DDI range etc.
- Ensure your current provider is aware of you intentions to port away the number, otherwise they may create a delay.
- BT IPEX do not have a Service Establishment with your current provider. BT will attempt to rectify this.
- Confirm the line type – single line, multi-line etc. – to ensure correct labeling.
Line Types
- Single Line Geographic: Single phone number beginning 01 or 02, not part of a DDI range, not the main billing number for a DDI range, and not part of a multi-line.
- Multi-Line Geographic: Multiple lines on one or more telephone numbers, including single-number ISDN and WLR analogue Multi-Line.
- Single Line Non-Geographic: Single phone number that is Non-Geographic, not part of a DDI range, not the main billing number for a DDI range, and not part of a Multi-Line or Feature Line.
- Multi-Line Non-Geographic: Multiple Non-Geographic phone numbers, consisting of an original and whole block of DDIs (minimum 10), and a main billing number.
- Simple DDI: Multiple digital lines (ISDN/T1/E1/SS7) on one or more telephone numbers, consisting of a main billing number. It can contain a whole block of DDIs (minimum of 10, in multiples of 10) and/or have SNDDIs on the circuit.
- Complex DDI: Multiple digital lines (ISDN/T1/E1/SS7), consisting of a partial block of DDIs, and a main billing number. NB: The porting documentation must include all DDIs attached to the circuit, and specifying which numbers to port. Any numbers not ported are returned to the range holder.
- International: Phone numbers from countries outside the UK.
DDI: Direct Dial-In / SNDDI: Single Number Direct Dial-In / ISDN: Integrated Services Digital Network
Minimum Lead Times
- Single Line Geographic Import: 4 to 13 working days.
- Multi-Line Geographic Import: 7 to 25 working days.
- Non-Geographic Import : 15+ working days.
- Simple DDI: 10 to 23 working days.
- Complex DDI: 22 to 25 working days.
Single Line Geographic Port Procedure
- Customer submits documentation to X-on – porting form, Customer Letter of Authority, copy of recent bill.
- X-on submit request to BT IPEX including the Customer Required Date.
- BT IPEX automatically verify line type and range holder, and if the submission matches the records of the current provider/range holder the order is confirmed.
- BT IPEX then receive confirmation/acceptance from the current provider/range holder.
- X-on notify the customer that the porting request has been accepted.
- At least 24 hours prior to porting, X-on will add the number into the customer’s account in readiness to receive traffic from BT IPEX.
- At the time of porting, BT IPEX automatically load number into their Number Mapping engine, directing calls from that number to X-on in order to catch traffic from the range holder.
- Range holder automatically applies the porting prefix so calls are routed to BT IPEX.
- Porting confirmation is sent to X-on by BT IPEX.
- X-on test to ensure calls are routing correctly.
Multi-Line Geographic Port Procedure
- Customer submits documentation to X-on – porting form, Customer Letter of Authority, copy of recent bill.
- X-on submit request to BT IPEX including the Customer Required Date.
- BT IPEX manually enter this information into a Number Porting form, which is sent to BT Openreach.
- BT Openreach send the details to the current provider/range holder, who check and respond. If rejected, reasons must be provided.
- BT Openreach send the response to BT IPEX.
- If accepted, a confirmation response, including the date and time of porting, is sent to X-on.
- At least 24 hours prior to porting, X-on will add the number into the customer’s account in readiness to receive traffic from BT IPEX.
- On the porting date, and after the Port Configuration Window Start, X-on use the BT IPEX portal to manually configure the number port and loading it into their Number Mapping engine.
- At the time of porting, X-on phone BT IPEX, providing any reference numbers, requesting fulfillment of the port, and making a test call to ensure the Number Mapping is correct.
- BT Openreach progress the port, the range holder applies the porting prefix, and inbound traffic on PSTN should then route through to X-on.
- 15 minutes of downtime will initiate a call from X-on to BT IPEX requesting escalation.
Non-Geographic Import Procedure
- Customer must complete a Non-Geographic Number Porting Notice, which is printed on the customer’s headed paper, and must include details of the current provider, with X-on cited as the new provider.
- Non-Geographic porting requires that all parties be informed of the port request, including any resellers involved. The minimum lead time is 15 working days.
- Once received and correct, the paperwork is sent by X-on to BT IPEX for processing the port request via BT Inbound Services, who send the port request to the current provider. The port request may be rejected because of incorrect paperwork or an inability to port.
- Upon acknowledgment, BT IPEX issue a porting request to the range holder.
- Upon acceptance by the range holder, and where appropriate a date and time for the porting are scheduled with BT IPEX. At least 24 hours prior to porting, X-on will add the number into the customer’s account in readiness to receive traffic from BT IPEX.
- At the time of porting, BT IPEX load the number into their Number Mapping engine, and contact the range holder to initiate the porting prefix.
- Once porting is complete, X-on test to ensure calls are routing correctly.
- 15 minutes of downtime will initiate a call from X-on to BT IPEX requesting escalation.
X-on will complete the porting of your inbound numbers to the X-on Network as quickly as possible, within the constraints inherent in the process. We cannot issue any guarantees on success, timeframe, or be responsible for any problems associated with porting the numbers away from your current provider.
UK number portability is regulated by Ofcom while adhering to EU regulations, but the process is such that no guarantees can be provided. Lead times quoted above are accepted minimum industry standards.
Reseller or Wholesale porting from one service provider to another is not supported, but requests for a change in service type (e.g. ISDN to Cloud Phone System) will be reviewed individually. Number portability is for end-users wishing to change provider only.
Ported numbers currently within Directories may incur charges after a reprint, for example. Cancellation of any directory listings no longer required is recommended.
X-on levy an administration charge in line with other communication providers and in accordance with Ofcom guidance. Additional charges may also be incurred during the porting process, for example from your current and/or new providers.
Flexibility of porting date is dependent on circuit type or the number being ported.