The Health and Social Care Network (HSCN) replaces N3 as the new data network for health and care organisations. The HSCN enables health and social care services to access and share information more efficiently.
Unlike N3, HSCN operates within an open network connectivity marketplace which allows healthcare concerns to choose the providers who will best be able to tailor services that meet their needs and challenges, both now and into the future.
X-on HSCN Connectivity
X-on cloud telecoms services can be deployed across the HSCN without any penalty to performance as might be claimed by some HSCN suppliers. Access to HSCN with X-on is available via the Crown Commercial Service Supplier frameworks or via other relevant frameworks.
Currently X-on is delivering Surgery Connect communications over the HSCN for a number of CCGs.
NHS Requirements
This article discusses the NHS ambitions for the HSCN: “The HSCN standards are designed to be as aligned to existing Industry standards as possible in order to ensure they are cost effective, easy to implement and enable health and care organisations to benefit from broader Industry investments in new technology and service delivery models.”
The HSCN is intended to bring greater flexibility to data transmission, consequently opening up primary care communications to any supplier that best fits a healthcare provider’s needs.