X-on Contact Centre
X-on Contact Centre has been our flagship product since 2003 and now powers thousands of contact centre agent positions in Finance, Healthcare and Retail organisations. Our agile in-house development team has been adding the features customers have requested through bespoke integrations and staged releases, culminating in the recent P15 release.
Contact Centre deployment is not just about features, but understanding the needs of the business. Our professional services team works through your expectations from pre-sales consultancy, network evaluation, configuration, testing and training through to handover to our inhouse first line support team.

Part of a System
X-on Contact Centre extension packages integrate seamlessly with backoffice extensions and mobile worker extensions.
Your contact centre is an integrated part of your business. It needs to integrate with your network and potentially your data management and payment systems.
X-on Contact Centre ensures that integration extends to the whole of your organisation’s telephony network.
X-on Contact Centre for the…
As a Cloud based solution, X-on Contact Centre reduces complexity in your infrastructure and network. You have less hardware boxes to maintain and backup. Investment in IP connectivity to, and within, your premises is reused for maximum benefit.
Future Proof
As new features come along, they can be deployed on your service without replacement or downtime. Upscaling or downscaling is granular – by the seat, not by predefined and expensive increments.
Inbound calls can be delivered by alternative IP routes, or to PSTN, or mobile devices, ensuring you are always online and providing service, either at your main location, or backup locations, in the event of building evacuation. PhonePresence can be provisioned with mobile SIMs, which are directly connected to X-on’s network for seamless failover in the event of local network issues.
It is X-on’s responsibility to provide security of your data when it is within our network. Our UK based data centres provide physical and logical security against data loss or intrusion. Call recordings can be further secured with shared key encryption.
We meet the highest standards for security of financial and patient sensitive data, including ISO27001. Clients in Healthcare and Finance will testify that X-on takes data security seriously.
Demand for evidence based security throughout organisations increases daily. Outsourcing the telephony services and associated data means that one element of security is managed without incurring time and resource costs.
Total Cost of Ownership
A cloud based solution leverages shared resources. This, combined with reduction in the need for dedicated line rentals and lower or zero call costs, means that the TCO is inevitably lower than an in house solution. PhonePresence has a transparent pricing model that avoids unexpected surprises.
Predictable Cash Flow with Low Capex
The charging model can be mostly, or exclusively, by monthly rental invoice. With nearly all call costs being included in bundles, this means you can predict accurately the cash requirements, which are spread across the agreed contract period.
Upscale and Downscale
As the business grows or shrinks, the per-seat rental can be adjusted. You are not saddled with unused capital assets, or unexpected purchases to handle stepwise capacity increase requirements.
Improved Image
Your company’s image to phone callers depends on quality announcements, and the ease with which they can navigate the system and reach the people or information they need. X-on Contact Centre is backed by a range of professional services, and we can help consult on the system configuration to achieve a professional image.
Reduce Missed Opportunities
Missed calls can mean lost sales opportunities or disgruntled customers. PhonePresence has a range of tools to minimise missed calls, or identify them quickly, so that your staff can get back to them.
Management Information
By predicting call traffic and peaks, staffing can be adjusted to be optimal for handling inbound calls. PhonePresence incorporates real time and historic graphical tools to help manage smooth operation of sales operations or service desks.
Everything Else, plus…
Control of costs, reduction in staff time spent supporting systems, improved customer service, and reduced risk all release the organisation to focus on its strategic objectives.
X-on specialise in providing the solutions that release your management team from looking after the phones.