
Digital telephony funding, sign now or miss out

Too many GP practices are still using old-school analogue telephony, it is time for an upgrade to digital. 

Streamline Your Flu Clinic Operations with Surgery Connect: Unlocking the Benefits of Cloud Telephony

Surgery Connect, the market-leading Cloud telephony solution for primary care offers multiple features that can support GP surgeries during this critical period.

How to minimise lost calls at your practice

When it comes to missing a telephone call, no-one likes it!

3 tips to improve your communications

Do you feel your medical practice lacks the efficiency that others do?

How will the Stop Sell affect your surgery?

The ISDN Stop Sell has begun, and soon surgeries and businesses across the UK will be affected by this.

EMIS integration for your surgery

This integration feature, allow surgeries to become more efficient within the organisation by saving time.

Telecoms for medical practices

Communication is key when working within a medical practice, it is important that people are able to speak directly with patients, doctors and other staff members.

Live wall boards with essential statistics

For many surgeries, the telephone is the primary source of technology used to communicate.

How call recording can benefit your surgery

Call recording has come a long way over the years to help benefit medical practices and businesses.